Industrial Burners

Industrial processes often require very high temperature and therefore heating and heat energy are needed. Industrial gas burners are well-suited for various different processes such as ovens, process lines or other industrial heating needs. From our comprehensive range of products, you can find just the right burner for your process.

We represent Maxon B. V. burners in Finland. Maxon offers a very wide range of technically developed, energy efficient, and low emission gas burners. In addition, HOAF infrared heaters are well-suited for building different kinds of ovens. Maxon has a wide range of industrial burners for different temperatures and different process circumstances as well as for different gases.

We supply spare parts for the burners and ovens of other manufacturers as well, such as the Den Boer food processing oven.

We are happy to answer any questions you may have relating to industrial burners. Contact us.

You can also get more information about Maxon industrial burners from Maxon’s website.